The Admissions Process

We are delighted that you are interested in a place for your child at ÎÞÂë±ä̬. We welcome contact from parents with children who might join the School at any age from 4 – 13 or who are interested in a choristership for their son or daughter in the ÎÞÂë±ä̬’s College Chapel Choir from the age of 8+ (Year 4). The main point of entry is for children at 4+ into Kindergarten (Reception) but we also welcome a number of children in other year groups where space is available.

Our admissions' journey

There are four stages in the admissions’ journey:

A. The first stage is either to:

The Registrar will discuss your enquiry and send you an information pack.

B. The second stage is to come and visit the School. This can be done in one of two ways:

  1. Sign up to an Open Morning. These are held on a school day so that you can see the School working in its usual way and visit classes. Tours of families are taken round by children and the morning ends with a question and answer session with senior members of staff including the Headmaster. If you are interested in taking your application further, this will be followed up with a meeting with the Head of Byron House (if applicable) and the Headmaster.
  2. A private tour on a school day which will include being shown round the School by children and a meeting with the Head of Byron House (if applicable) and with the Headmaster.

C. If, after your meeting with the Headmaster, you and the School feel that ÎÞÂë±ä̬’s is right for your child, we then encourage you to complete a registration form which includes a fee of £50

D. The final part of the journey depends on the age of your child and will, for older children, include an assessment. Details of the final stage of our admissions’ journey can be found here.

Choristerships in the ÎÞÂë±ä̬'s College Choir

Please see details about how to apply for a choristership for your son or daughter in the ÎÞÂë±ä̬'s College Choir here.


Further information can be gained through the links provided below and from the Registrar, Maria Mosher ( or 01223 353652).

Useful links

Admission to Kindergarten at 4+
Book a Tour
Register for a place
Academic Assessments
Fees and Bursaries
Becoming a Chorister
Boarding Options